Command Line Interface

An open source Farama Foundation Gymnasium environment for benchmarking distributed energy resource control algorithms to provide energy flexibility in a district of buildings. Compatible with training and evaluating internally defined CityLearn agents in citylearn.agents, user-defined agents that inherit from citylearn.agents.base.Agent and use the same interface as it, and agents provided by stable-baselines3.

usage: citylearn [-h] [--version]

Named Arguments


show program’s version number and exit



Possible choices: run_work_order, list_datasets, list_default_time_series_variables, simulate



Run commands in parallel. Useful for running many citylearn simulate commands in parallel.

citylearn run_work_order [-h] [-w MAX_WORKERS] [-is START_INDEX]
                         [-ie END_INDEX]

Positional Arguments


Filepath to script containing list of commands to be run in parallel with each command defined on a new line.

Named Arguments

-w, --max_workers

Maximum number of commands to run at a time. Default is the number of CPUs.

-is, --start_index

Line index of first command to execute. Commands above this index are not executed. The default is to execute from the first line.

Default: 0

-ie, --end_index

Line index of last command to execute. Commands below this index are not exectued. The default is to execute till the last line.


Lists available dataset names that can be parsed as schema in citylearn simulate schema.

citylearn list_datasets [-h]


Lists the default time series variables that will be reported and saved in a JSON file post-evaluation.

citylearn list_default_time_series_variables [-h]


Train or evaluate a trained agent against an environment.

citylearn simulate [-h] [-a AGENT_NAME] [-ke ENV_KWARGS] [-ka AGENT_KWARGS]
                   [-w WRAPPERS [WRAPPERS ...]]
                   [-sid SIMULATION_ID] [-fa AGENT_FILEPATH]
                   [-d OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
                   [-p] [-rs RANDOM_SEED]
                   schema {train,evaluate} ...

Positional Arguments


Name of CityLearn dataset or filepath to a schema. Call citylearn list_datasets to get list of valid dataset names.

Named Arguments

-a, --agent_name

Name path to agent. Currently only compatible with internally defined CityLearn agents in citylearn.agents, user-defined agents that inherit from citylearn.agents.base.Agent and use the same interface as it, and agents provided by stable-baselines3. To use stable-baselines3 agents, make sure to run pip install stable-baselines3 before using the simulate command.

Default: “citylearn.agents.base.BaselineAgent”

-ke, --env_kwargs

Initialization parameters for`citylearn.citylearn.CityLearnEnv`.

-ka, --agent_kwargs

Initialization parameters for agent class.

-w, --wrappers

Name path to environment wrappers e.g., ‘citylearn.wrappers.ClippedObservationWrapper’.

-tv, --time_series_variables

Names of building-level time series properties to be stored in the evaluation JSON post-evaluation. Call citylearn list_default_time_series_variables to see the default variable in use.

-sid, --simulation_id

SImulation reference ID used in directory and file names.

-fa, --agent_filepath

Filepath to previously saved agent to use for training or evaluation.

-d, --output_directory

Directory to save all simulation output to.

-te, --evaluation_episode_time_steps

Start and end time steps in data set to evaluate on otherwise, the agent is evaluated on entire dataset.

-p, --append

Add to output for existing simulation with simulation_id i.e. do not overwrite.

Default: True

-rs, --random_seed

Random seed used during environment and agent initialization.

simulate subcommands


Possible choices: train, evaluate



Train an agent.

citylearn simulate train [-h] [-e EPISODES] [--save_agent] [--evaluate]
Named Arguments
-e, --episodes

Number of training episodes/epochs.


Whether to save agent to disk at the end of training.

Default: False


Whether to run deterministic evaluation for one episode at the end of training.

Default: False


Deterministically evaluate an agent.

citylearn simulate evaluate [-h]